Our Story

Hi, I’m Lance, and this is my late wife Jose. We built Guardian Personal Alarms from the ground up. Jose worked for many years as a carer in the Home Care industry and saw firsthand the struggles of the elderly, people with disabilities, and those living alone.

She heard too many stories of people falling and spending hours on the floor without a personal alarm pendant with fall detection or out in their gardens hoping someone would hear their cries and come to help them. In years past we had a sad personal experience of this happening in our own family and we had no way of knowing what had occurred.

We listened to and heard what people were saying. Many people from vulnerable populations want to remain independent and stay in their own homes. They want to be able to do the things they enjoy and still get out and about and they don’t want their families or caregivers to stress and worry about them. Loved ones want to support their wishes but can’t help but be concerned for their safety, especially if they’re living alone.

So, I introduced mobile personal alarms in 2014 with a 2G pendant of my own design. Now, we have Australia’s best range of 4G personal alarms.


To support the independence of every vulnerable Australian by enhancing their safety, peace of mind, and dignity.


To provide high quality, innovative, and user friendly products as well as offer excellent after sales service and support.

Learn More About Personal Alarms

WA Partners

Courier – Bright Skies
Applecross, WA


Graphic Design – Infinite Designs
Joondalup, WA

Key Safe Installation – Ultimate Lock and Security
Roaming [Perth Metro Area]

Printing – Malaga Print and Signs
Malaga, WA 

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