Home Based Units vs Mobile Personal Alarms


Home Based Emergency Systems

These systems use the existing telephone line as the main communication link between a person at risk and support contacts. Often they can be used anywhere in the near vicinity of of where the base station is located in the home.

The user wears a transmitter that, when activated, sends a signal back to the base unit installed near the telephone to initiate an emergency response plan which can be personalised. An automatic call can be sent to family members or emergency services.


Mobile Personal Emergency Systems

These systems work just like a mobile telephone, just simpler to operate. When the SOS button is pressed the Mobile Personal Alarm, will send out an SMS (text Message) to the listed emergency contacts with a message like “I need Help” and a link to the location of the device.

The Mobile Personal Alarm will then will sequentially begin calling the contacts until it connected. Once connected the you talk via the device just like you would on a mobile phone.

Now that you have an understanding on the difference between home based units and mobile personal alarms, below is our range of mobile personal alarms that can be using in and out of the home. In fact they work all over Australia, where there is Telstra Mobilenet service.


The Guardian MediFone combines a Medical Alert Pendant with a pre-programmed, senior-friendly mobile phone.

Its display screen shows cell signal strength, battery percentage, date and time.

Other basic messages displayed include: “SOS”, “Fall Alert”, SOS or Fall Alert Cancelled, and the names of up to eight emergency contacts.
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The Guardian ProTec Safety Pendant, is our award winning mobile alert.

When help is needed simply press and hold the SOS for 2 seconds until it vibrates.

The ProTec Safety Pendant will first message each of your contacts saying you need help and give them a link showing your location on Google Maps.
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The Guardian iHelp is the only mobile personal alarm in Australia that actually talks to you and tells you what’s happening!

When the user presses the button the iHelp will announce “Your emergency call is being placed now, please standby”.
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The Guardian Sentry has the largest and most powerful antenna, giving you great coverage in rural areas as well as having a tracking platform.

The Sentry has the ability to notify up to 5 contacts and it also sends out an SMS with the device location

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